UltraScan University of Montana Portal
This is where to request a new instance of LIMS3
Please enter a request for a new LIMS instance by clicking on the “Request Instance,” a button to the left.
Funding for this facility is provided through multiple sources:
- Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- User fees collected from collaborators and users of the UltraScan facility at UTHSCSA.
- San Antonio Life Science Institute Grant #10001642
- The National Science Foundation, Grants DBI-9974819, ANI-228927, DBI-9724273, TG-MCB070038 (all to Borries Demeler)
- The National Institutes of Health, Grant NCRR-R01RR022200 (to Borries Demeler)
When publishing, please credit our facility as follows:
Calculations were performed on the UltraScan LIMS cluster at the
Bioinformatics Core Facility at the University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio and the Lonestar cluster at the
Texas Advanced Computing Center supported by NSF Teragrid Grant
#MCB070038 (to Borries Demeler)."
Please forward the link to each manuscript citing our facility to demeler@biochem.uthscsa.edu
Thank you for visiting and feel free to send us your comments!
Borries Demeler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Facility Director